Can you use Bluetooth headphones on a plane

Can you use Bluetooth headphones on a plane

You have a trip in the coming days. Have done with packaging important items already, now you’re ready to take off on your flight. At one moment, you see your Bluetooth headphones hanging beside a wall. You want them packed too, but wait, are Bluetooth headphones allowed on a plane? Or not? This is the … Read more

Can headphones Dent Your Head

Can headphones Dent Your Head

Headphones are being used by a great number of people. Whether it’s for gaming or listening to your favorite music, wearing them has become a common thing for many of us. But at certain points, one can feel his head has been dented. It looks more than an illusion and causes pain right on the … Read more

Earbuds vs Headphones Gaming

Earbuds vs Headphones Gaming

While gaming mostly in FPS games, the sound quality really can be a winning factor. Changing earbuds to headphones or headphones to earbuds becomes a difficult decision to deal with for people who really care about the quality of sound. I’ve used both. The comparison will be based on what I’ve been through in my … Read more

How to Clean Headphone Pads

How to Clean Headphone Pads

It is always better to clean your headphone pads rather than buying a new pair every time, just like we do with our clothes and other laundry things. Besides, keeping them clean and washed all the time is a good thing though when they get dirt and stain. Most times, they started smelling terrible when … Read more

How to Get Sweat Smell Out of Bose Headphones

How to Get Sweat Smell Out of Bose Headphones

Bose Headphones are insanely being used by gamers. There is no doubt in this that they are one of the most needed equipment for gamers. Without wearing headphones, you wouldn’t get the real taste of the sound-effects you most likely want to have. Apart from this, have you ever tried smelling them? Yes, they obviously … Read more

TechnicsSL-100C New Mid-Level Turntable

Now you can re-live your glory days with a touch of the modern age with Technics SL-100C. A new version of the turntable releasing in June 2021 in Europe. It sounds like a treat for someone who was born in the 70S yet appreciate modern technology. Brought to you by Technics, a highly precise S-shaped … Read more

Can wearing Headphones Cause Hair Loss

Can wearing Headphones Cause Hair Loss

As a result of the sliding movement caused by the headphone’s band when adjusting overheads. Hair gets pulled. This can be serious in terms of medical terminology, as it causes Traction alopecia. This is the reason you may lose hair due to headphones. The quick answers may leave you shocked, so let’s do more research … Read more